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Dear Friends (and Friends-to-be) of Take Tea:


For your safety, and that of our staff, we have instituted some precautions which are outlined below:


  • We welcome all fully vaccinated and boosted guests at this time.  Alternately, the 2024 recommendation from the CDC may be followed: "Everyone 6 years and older should get 1 updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of whether they’ve received any original COVID-19 vaccines."

  • Guests must be over the age of 12 years.

  • If you need to cancel your reservation because you had an exposure to someone that has tested positive for covid, or  if anyone in your party feels ill, we ask that you stay home and use the reservation system to cancel. If this a new development please call as soon as possible before your teatime. 

  • We have reduced our occupancy, and continue to employ distanced seating.


Covid has provided us with unique challenges in scheduling our reservation


requests, for which we ask your patience and understanding.  At this time we


are STILL accepting reservations for only 50% -60% of our seats, unless all


guests are in the same party.  In addition to limiting our occupancy (14 or fewer


guests each seating) we are assigning tables purposefully to distance parties


from each other.  This means that we sometimes cannot accommodate a party,


even â€‹if our occupancy rule would allow it.  


Please understand that these rules have remained in effect since our opening on 1/1/2022 and since this summer 2024 we have had cancellations because of the virus. Please check back on the website if your reservation is in the future to see if our former mask mandate has been renewed.




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Take Tea, LLC, 19 East Main Street (Old Avon Village), Avon, CT  06001                   860-404-2538                                                                                                      All Rights Reserved

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